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Barbara Mae Dunn

Mom grew up on a farm in the Midwest. So out of necessity she learned to sew and do needlework at an early age. She had been making her own clothes for years, and when she had children she made their clothes as well. In her 40's she began doing alterations and sewing for others. It didn't matter what it was. If her sewing machine could accomplish it, she made it. At the age of 52 she purchased and learned how to use her first home embroidery machine. Her church was very important to her. As she saw a need for something she could make, she purchased the materials to make/embroider the item. In 2005 she moved to Delaware and began attending the Southside Baptist Church in Dover. Once again she saw a need and filled it. The cross is the design she embroidered on baptismal handkerchiefs for the church. A newly baptized member of the church is given the handkerchief that is used for their baptism as a keepsake of this very important event in their Christian lives.

Among moms favorite things were the color purple, yellow roses, animals, her beloved cat of 15 years PC, reading, and needlework. While she enjoyed many things, she always came back to her first love- sewing. At her services samples of her work had a prominent place. Pastor equated mom's using her gift for others to that of Dorcas in Acts 9:36 and 39 of the New Testament. Friends, family, co-workers, charities, and her church all benefited from her gift.

In Loving Memory

Barabara Dunn June 12, 1941- June 25, 2008