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Gregory Miller


Greg was a 2nd year student at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. He was studying to be a Physical Therapist. He was a member of the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity.

Greg was a remarkable young man. He was truly loved by family …. He was a very generous and patient young man with a heart of gold. Greg has an enormous circle of friends. He loved to play the guitar as he was very talented. He also liked to spend time with his girlfriend, golfing with his buddies, playing video games, swimming and family get togethers.

In our hearts Greg’s memories will live forever. We think about him and miss Greg every day. As painful as things get we try to remember the happy times. Greg’s Gift of Life of donating his kidneys was a special meaning to us and we are proud to have made this donation on his behalf as he so loved live. To help others is the greatest gift he would have been glad to and a way to keep his memory alive…..

Steve, Drew and Katie Miller