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Walter L. Carmo

Walt was a first generation American on his father's side and proud of his Italian heritage. He would say to me that I was a little farm girl who married up – I married an Italian. He loved his children, his grandchildren, and his great-grandson.

Majoring in geography, Walt became a classroom teacher. He loved to play golf and to travel until strokes robbed him of these abilities in 1998. He had a passion to help others. A wrestler in both high school and college and later a wrestling coach, he helped to found Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling. He was a ten gallon blood donor. A fan of sports, he was a loyal supporter of the US Olympic Committee.

Walt left teaching to work for the Pennsylvania State Education Association also know as PSEA. As the Assistant Executive Director of Governmental and Agency Relations he was highly involved in PACE, the political action group which helped elect friends of education to office at local, state, and federal levels.

After being in charge of the legislative program for the PA Department of Education, he became the Secretary for Legislation under Governor Robert P. Casey. The organ donor designation that appears on the Pennsylvania Driver's license was signed into law as Walt liked to tell, "As they (i.e. the Casey Administration) were turning out the lights and going out the door."

With his suits, Walt favored oxford cotton shirts with buttoned down collars. The material for this quilt piece and the button on it are from one of those shirts. He would say, "It doesn't matter what I war, my brain's wearing a tuxedo."

Due to chronic leg pain for 16 years, Walt always told his family he wanted his epitaph to read "HE DOESN'T HURT ANYMORE." Because of his gift of life donation, someone else many not hurt anymore either.

We Miss You, Walt, Daddy, Gradnpa!

Love, Dazimae