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Kelly Lyn Testa

1969 – 2008

The center square photo of Kelly was taken on her 39th birthday, the last birthday that she celebrated before she was diagnosed with esophageal and tracheal cancer. This picture is a typical portrayal of Kelly – glowing, having fun and flashing her incredible smile – a feature that always seemed to give those around her an immediate sense of joy and ease. We are fortunate to have been touched by this smile so many times that it is a memory that we can hold in our hearts forever.

The foundation squares are the quilted heart, tulip and house. The heart represents our love for Kelly, her love of life, the love she had for her family and friends, and how much she was loved by others. Tulips were Kelly's favorite flower. She loved the gardens that her husband, Lou, created for her. She often walked around their yard slowly taking it in with a true sense of appreciation for the beauty of it all. Lou planted a whole bank of tulips for Kelly in the backyard that she could enjoy both when she was outside and inside, from her kitchen and family room windows. Kelly loved hummingbirds and enjoyed the frequent visits they made to the feeders and flowers in their yard. Kelly loved her house and took pleasure in making it attractive and comfortable. She loved watching HGTV and getting ideas for her house and dreamhouses.

The "musical square" represents Kelly's love for music. She had a beautiful singing voice and was an unbelievable dancer. She loved karaoke and could easily spend an entire night on the dance floor, if the situation permitted it.

The square with the moose, pine tree, cabin, fish and star symbolizes Kelly's annual visits to the Maine woods. She and Lou honeymooned in Maine and returned every year in September, their anniversary month, to camp, hike, bike, fish, kayak, relax and get away from it all. They loved stargazing on those crisp, clear September nights when all was quiet and peaceful. Kelly's favorite Maine vacation spot was The Pines, at Sysladobsis Lake, an old sportsman's lodge and camp. Close seconds were Baxter State Park and Bar Harbor. Kelly was game for it all.

The cat square represents the many cats Kelly had as pets, both growing up and as an adult. In her married life, "Pumpkin" was her special cat and she and Lou also fed strays that would show up at their door.

The border fabric is from a dress that Kelly often wore to her radiation and chemo treatments. She always looked so nice.

Kelly was a loving wife, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, niece and friend. When putting together this square, there were so many things that could have been included to embody her spirit, but above all, this square symbolizes how much we love Kelly and how much she touched our lives.

Because of the damage the intensive cancer treatments did to her organs, Kelly was only able to donate her corneas; yet it seems suitable that someone who brought light to our lives on so many levels, is now literally bringing light into the life of someone else.