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Linda Strickland


If you've ever known someone who knew the meaning and act of strength, dedication, selflessness and unconditional love, then you knew Linda,

What she always valued most was her family, her friends, her dogs and people. She never measured her life by material things, so when life had a tendency to always throw her through obstacles she remained strong and moved forward.

Her heart was so full all the time. Knowing Linda it was filled with cherished memories of her father John. Adoration, thanks and gratitude to her mother Rose for her support and assistance when she needed her throughout her life. A heart filled with unconditional love, dedication and respect for as she would always say "Her good-hearted husband Rock." Smiles and laughter of her brother Marty. An unbreakable bond and friendship with her sisters Jackie and Bobbie. A heart filled with caring and motherly love for her dogs Bear, Topper, cocoa and Aries. Wishes of only success, happiness and good fortune to everyone, whether she knew you or not. Her heart always cared. But what seemed to fill her heart to where it overflowed was her undying love for her children Matthew, Ricky, Kelly and her Grandchildren Matthew, Tyler, and Abigail. Her heart overflowed with unselfishness for her children in making sure she gave all of herself to them so they would always be happy, From her job with City Hall to working with special needs children to her sandwich shop in Chattanooga, she was dedicated to working hard, never missing a day unless extremely ill to make sure they had everything they needed. Her heart overflowed with just the thought of her grandchildren and how just watching them brought her joy. She had the feeling of a kid on Christmas morning when she was with them.

For Linda, having such a genuine love for everyone brought on lots of worry inside her for others. If you had a pulse and breathed, she worried about you. She was constantly concerned for the well-being of us all.

Most of the time she had butterflies in her stomach, but what always managed to take them away was seeing her son Matthew smile and listening to him crack up laughing, getting a bear hug from her son Ricky and enjoy how he always made her laugh, listening to her daughter Kelly sing and love being her biggest fan, laughing and enjoying how her grandson Matthew reminded her so much of her son Matthew, being entertained as her grandson Tyler put on a show for her, cracking up laughing as she watched her granddaughter Abigail boss her two older brothers around, playing Thelma and Louise with her sister Jackie as they drove all around on the weekends together, family parties, dancing, sister sleep-over nights, watching old home movies, playing with her dogs, sun tanning with her skin sizzling, a beer in one hand a cigarette in the other while listening to country music.

Now there is a song by the artist Josh Groban, whom Linda was a big fan, that is dedicated to someone who has given all of themselves for the sake of another and I'm sure Rick, Matthew, Ricky, and Kelly would say this song is for her. The lyrics of the main verse are:

You raised me up so I can stand on mountains

You raised me up to walk on stormy seas

I am strong when I am on your shoulders

You raise me up to more than I can be.

For those of you who don't know, Linda gave in death as she gave in life. Monday evening a 19 year old boys life was saved by him receiving a liver donated by Linda. Him along with two other people received organs that saved their lives.

I'm sure she would be thankful for all who came out for her today and she probably would ask you to all find a moment today to sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice, cold beer.

Thank you.