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Walter J. "Skip" Ramsey

In trying to design a quilt square to describe a man I have known and loved for almost 50 years, I believe that I have depicted his essence.

My husband, Skip Ramsey, was very much loved by his family and friends. Looking back on his life, he always felt grateful for the blessings and good fortune bestowed on him. His good humor, smile and laughter endeared him to all who met him. Knowing Skip's generous and thoughtful ways, it is not surprising that he would check "Organ Donor" on his driver's license with out thinking about it. That one day he would be able to help someone through his death is characteristic of this great man.

The seeds of his encouragement and support towards his daughters, nieces, nephews and cousins have born the fruit of music, careers in firefighting, sports, etc.

Our life's journey together-meeting in high school and three years later beginning our marriage of 44 years and 10 months-is filled with many good memories: Great vacations, parties and dinners with children, family and friends; rock and roll dancing and siging.

His dedication, professionalism and pranks in the Washington, DC Fire Department are still a source of his fellow firefighters' stories.

He always enjoyed the outdoors where he hunted game, successfully fished many rivers and lakes and felt a spiritual connection to the land and its creatures.

The rosary prayers were very important to him. And I believe that many blessings were granted to our loved ones through his prayers.

His smiling picture taken on a trip to Ireland with his aunts and me is the Skip we all love and miss.