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George L. Ricciardi, Sr.

When I die;

I’ll have my love for God, it made me a better man.

When I die;

I’ll have my love for my family, it made me a better man.

When I die;

I’ll have my love for my country, it made me a better man.

When I die;

I’ll have my sense of humor, it made me a better man.

When I die;

I hope to have influenced one life in a positive way, so that person may say he made me a better man

August 29, 1995

George Ricciardi Sr

Born: February 22, 1938

Died: February 19, 2009

This poem expressed the things that were most important to George. He served his country by serving in the military and always voting. He served his family by being a loving son, husband, brother, uncle, father and grandfather. He served God with love and a dedication to the Church. His sense of humor shined through the interactions with his family, his God and his country.

The quilt square represents George’s love of Philadelphia and the Phillies. He enjoyed following the Phillies every year and going to games with his family. The year he died the Phillies won the World Series. He could not have left with a better baseball memory than that. Keeping score and teaching others how to were his favorite things to do. He is looking down on the games each summer bursting with pride as he grandchildren carry on the tradition.