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Edgar John Lloyd

You have a tremendous lesson for me, Lord,

To strike such a tremendous blow,

To exact such a tremendous price.

He was your gift to me,

A precious, priceless gift,

A rare treasure,

His worth far too valuable to measure.

He was the father of my children,

The fulfillment of my girlhood dreams.

I'm indebted to You, Lord,

For such a generous gift.

But he was never mine to keep.

I had to give him back.

And now I'm selfish.

I don't want his death to be wasted.

I want to wring out every ounce of truth,

Every drop of instruction,

And I want to share what I've learned,

To shout it.

I want to proclaim to everyone

That I'll never be the same.

The hard lessons are never easy.

But now I know that the end result

Is tremendous gain.