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James E. Tamecki

The house on this quilt patch represents our Love and Unity as a family. The cross reflects our faith. "Jesus dies for our sin." Jim was taking Hunter, our dog, for a walk. Jim looked at me and said "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF." I replied "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF." He fell over in a second. Our neighbor Linda came and asked "Where did it happen?" When se saw the crucifix with the two angels that were over the place that Jim died she smiled and a warm feeling came over me.

The butterfly has a very special meaning to me. It's made out of Jim's shirt. The heart represents me. Jim was the love of my life for forty-six years. God help me to endure all things. The tree on the quilt is made from Shane's shirt and the grass is made from Jim's golfing towel. It represents the love of sports and watching his sons James II, Shane and Jason wrestle and play football and baseball. The deer rack is from James' II shirt, which represents the love my husband had for hunting and the love our sons and grandsons had for the Pap's deer jerky. The fish was made from Jason's shorts. It represenst the fun and relaxing times while fishing. The cake represents all the family gatherings we had. It was a joy for us to watch our sons grow up and the love we had for our family was unconditional. What great memories they were for us all.

Our sons grew up around a lot of love and he was in inspiration to our boys and his heart glowed with loved for his grandsons. Pap's passing is a loss for Kyle, Logan, Jaden, Lukas, Brody and our soon to be born grandchild, whose arrival is expected next spring.

May the angels watch over our family. The emptiness and loss is overwhelming.

Love Ya



We love and miss you Hon (Dad and Pap)

James II, Pattie, Kyle, Logan

Shane, Angela, Lukas, Brody, Baby Tamecki,

Jason, Jaden