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Robert Doyle

Remembering Bob Doyle

Bob was a kind and gentle man, always putting his family and friends first. Fulfilling the wants and needs of his wife and son before his own. His son Shawn was his pride and joy. Whatever Shawn wanted, Bob provided. He bought Shawn's first toy car, first tricycle, first bike, and then first car. Never indulging himself in frivolous ways.

As his 65th birthday approached, Bob's wife and son wanted to treat him to something special and asked what he wanted. Without hesitation Bob said "a motorcycle." This came as quite a surprise to them because they never heard him mention wanting to ride a bike.

Bob's dream came true and on his birthday Shawn presented his Dad with a motorcycle. Bob was thrilled and promised to ride with care and never put himself or anyone else in danger. He followed the rules of the road, always wore a helmet, proper attire, and always rode safely. He rode the bike whenever possible, touring the roads of Pennsylvania. Bob enjoyed riding for a few years until his health forced him to sadly park the bike and put the helmet away. Always being grateful that his dream came true.

The motorcycle on the patch is identical to the bike that Bob rode. It is only fitting that Bob be remembered "riding his bike."

Remembering and loving him always,

Ma and Shawn

(Bernadine and Shawn Doyle