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Courtney Prisk

May 16, 2003

2 years ago if someone would of asked my husband and I if we would be donors; I guarantee you, we would of said NO! But, after you have a tragic death of a child you take a second thought. How can I keep my child alive? We let someone else keep her alive, by donating her organs. It makes us feel somewhat better knowing we are helping someone. It makes us have hope that just a little of our Courtney is still alive. I realize God had plans and she is our little Angel in heaven. But it still hurts missing her not seeing or hearing our daughter. So if donating can keep a little our daughter alive and help someone else stay alive and see, then by all means I feel everyone should donate. It helps heal the empty space, which not even God can completely fill. But with our faith and God, and the kind donation center. I know our daughter lives in heaven and in others.

We miss you and love you Courtney Tamara Prisk! Love Mom and Dad

Courtney's quilt square is made with her favorite color purple, favorite animal Marshmallow (she held and took that rabbit everywhere) and Ladybug's her favorite bug.