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Emily Marie Katzaman


Emily was a very bright, smart little girl.

She was always very helpful and always had a smile on her face. That smile is what everyone remembers most about her.

She was a straight A student and in 4th grade at the time of her sudden passing. She was learning how to play the clarinet and was helping a kindergarten student learn how to read.

Emily has three siblings. Her brother Tim is 9 years old, her sister, Elyse is 2 ½ years old and her baby brother, Tristan, whom she never met here on earth, is 6 months old.

Emily died from bacterial meningitis. It hit her suddenly. I will never know why I decided to donate her organs. I knew nothing about organ donation. But, I am so glad I did. I have been in contact with one of her recipients, who is very grateful for his second chance at life. I know it makes us fell as though a part of Emily still lives on.

As you see her picture on the quilt, may her spirit touch you and her sun-shiney smile bring you warmth.

Love you and miss you always,

Mommy, Daddy BB, Tim, Elyse and Tristan

Gram & Pop Pop Tom Rutt

Gram Elaine & Pop Pop Dretuck

Nanny & Pappy Fisher