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Robert "Bob" J. Karcher

As the warm rain began to fall on that September afternoon, our lives were changed forever. Bobby's smiling face and wonderful spirit touched each of us in a special way. With each new day we strive for courage and embrace the faith and love we have as a family. We are grateful for the precious times we shared and find peace in Bob's memory that keeps us strong. Bob's smile is a symbol we hold close to us on our journey.

R for Robert which means strength – truly named prophetically.

O is for his Open heart, always ready to share, love and give of himself.

B is for BOB, who we really miss.

E is for Energy. Bob had it on tap.

R is for the Red Cross -Bob strongly supported, his effort an A, his donation a B+.

T is for the Time we had, awesome, precious and brief.

J. is for all the jokes that just keep coming.

K is for the Kindness he showed…

A is for the Angels that kept him safe and strong (Thank You!)

R is for Rambunctious, look it up, Bob's picture may be there.

C is for his Charm; it started in his smile and ended in his soul.

H is for the Hugs we got, from his heart and the depth of his spirit.

E is Everyone, BOB seemed to know each one by name.

R is for Remember – God's gift of Bob to us.

2/27/81 – 9/27/03