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David Mark Hoover

David Mark Hoover was a special young man. He graduated from Parkland High School in June of 2003. Although he was severely mentally and physically disabled, he touched many lives.

David Mark loved classical music; swims in the pool; baths in his whirlpool tub; long rides in Dad's convertible with the top down; and playing with his Mom's hair.

David Mark never talked, but he taught his parents, his siblings and his caregivers so much. He taught us a lot about patience and slowing down our loves. He taught us to see beauty in the little things; that beauty seldom means perfect. He taught us that touches and snuggles can be the most gratifying things to give and receive.

David Mark is happy we chose to donate his corneas. You see, our lives have been touched by organ donation before. David Mark's Aunt Jeanette has been the recipient of two donor corneas in the past 10 years. It is a program we strongly believe in and strongly support.

David Mark Hoover's Family

Parents: David and Joan

Siblings: Sarah and James