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Diane Kay Lockerman

Diane Kay Lockerman died on September 5, 2004. Her death was due to a brain cyst growing near her brain stem. Her death was sudden and extremely traumatic to her parents and older sister and brother. She had lost her sister, Leslie, to leukemia 5 years earlier. Diane was the bone marrow donor for her sister's transplant. Diane was devastated by her sister's death and the loss of her grandmother 3 years later.

As a child, Diane was shy. She was a beautiful teenager who enjoyed horseback riding and participated in show competitions with her sister, Leslie. She had a great love for all animals and enjoyed the outdoors, especially the beach and fishing. She loved to swim and was on the swim team at our local pool.

Despite her many talents she struggled emotionally for years. She was diagnosed with Bipolar syndrome shortly before her death. She was taking art lessons and exhibited a strong talent for landscape painting. Her family cherishes five of her paintings done within a few months of her untimely death.

At her funeral, her sister Karen read the lyrics from Bonnie Raitt's CD "Longing in Their Hearts." Here are a few applicable sentences taken from that song:

Just another homesick child

Tired of running wild

Just please shine enough light on me

'Til I'm free from the shadow of doubt

As I try to make some sense

Of this world I'm up against

And I'm searching for one star to shine

I will shout from mountain high

And I'll reach into the sky

'Til you open up my eyes so blind