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Michael Tscherniawsky

Tragedy struck our family on August 2, 2003. Mike passed away suddenly of massive pulmonary embolism at the age of 38. On the day he died, Mike gave us a great memory. Even though he wasn't feeling well he took us to our favorite place, Wildwood. We put our girls on some rides and had some laughs. Our oldest daughter still talks about Daddy riding on the teacups with her. This is an example of the kind man Mike was. He always thought of his family first.

Mike was a great man. He loved his family with all his heart. Mike was a loving, kind and caring husband, father and brother. He was always there to lend a hand. Mike loved to talk and was so friendly. He made friends anywhere he went.

Mike's favorite things in life were Nascar racing, football and days on the boardwalk. He was a huge New York Jets fan. Mike also loved old muscle cars. I think he was reliving his youth when he finally bought a 1969 Chevy Nova. He was like a kid with a new toy.

Mike's nickname was Whale because he was such a great swimmer. When he was young, friends named him this because he could stay under the water so long without coming up for air. Mike had so many great friends.

Mike is not gone from us. He lives in our hearts and our memories. The memories are great. I miss his smile, his laugh and his kiss the most. The way he would kiss all his girls goodbye in the morning before he left for work is a great memory in itself.

There isn't a day we don't think of Mike. He is our guardian angel in heaven watching over us. He is our hearts forever. He will always be missed but never forgotten.

Love Always,

Your family