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Norman E. Geiger

July 16, 1956 – December 8, 2004

Wild Geese

Like wild gees

we're mates for life…

my loving husband,

your faithful wife.

But one day you

just left me here…

with only memories

of our years.

I wish

so many unspoken words

to your ears

could have been heard

I'm always with you that you know…

but life ahead?

I just don't know…

I just cannot

believe it's me

who's left here to

grieve endlessly…

Not that it should be you


but "life" should be as two,

not dread…

of leaving one behind

to live


and that I can't forgive.

The love we had,

it was so true;

I never will be me

without you.

Norm was a wonderful husband, father and friend. His untimely death will never cease to be a shock and great loss to all that knew him. Auto racing was his passion…but he had a love of fishing, gardening, cooking and electronics.

Norm and I shared the loss of our first child, Sarah, who died at the age of 3 from open-heart surgery. Our other three children have grown up to be fine young adults. They have experienced too much loss in their short lives…more than anyone should. I mourn for the times ahead that we will miss him over and over again..holidays, graduations, weddings and the births of our grandchildren in the future. Norm was one hundred percent "Daddy."

Your loving family,

Nancy, Jared, Amanda, and Alex (and "Snickers", his beloved Dalmatian)