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Edward B. Sliwecki

7-18-60 to 9-21-04


This is for you, Eddie….

So I wake up that cold Sunday morning,

I hear an ambulance ride by.

And I later find out that you were in it.

So I prayed that you would be ok….

Then that Wednesday,

You did not come out of it.

So ever since then,

I've asked you to protect me.

And you have.

You let me know you're with me,

By letting me find pocket change,

Or find the feathers with Terri.

What I wish I could tell you,

Before you passed,

What I wanted to tell you,

And I hope you're listening,

Is that I love you.

And I hope we meet again one day,

So I can tell you this,

And hear your voice…

David Michael Reustle