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John F. Hyneman III

John F. Hyneman, 3rd was many things to people. John was a son, a brother, a father, a neighbor, and a husband. Like those many labels, John had also many roles to play in life and enjoyed them all. Growing up he had helped support his large family, from that he learned the value of honest hard work. He also learned furniture restoration and woodworking techniques that he performed with vigor everyday. John and I married and had two children, and though they fought with us growing up, John never stopped caring in his own way about them. It was that caring that had an impact in making them responsible people. John spent time with both children by teaching his daughter Janis (who made this panel), skills such as interior painting, and enjoyed seeing the art his son Michael created. As a neighbor John was always willing to help a neighbor wherever we lived. He was a fixture on our block. As a husband, John and I spent time watching western movies, when the kids were younger we drove to places like Six Flags, and later in life, we worked on flower or vegetable gardens with our cats and dog. When John had passed on, we made a decision as a family to donate organs, a fitting tribute to a man who had always helped others.

Made with love, tears, and remembrance, we hope this panel serves as a reminder that organ donation is a great and loving thing to do.

Evelyn M. Hyneman