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Ryan Lee Mohn

Ryan Lee Mohn

3/11/87 – 2/7/04

Ryan was a 16-year-old junior at Steelton-Highspire High School when the car he was riding in struck a tree as he and two of his friends were on their way to the mall less than a mile from home. Ryan had massive head trauma and spent a week in the hospital before it was determined that he had no brain stem activity.

When Ryan got his driver's license one month before the accident, he said YES to organ donation. Little did we know that we would have to carry out his decision so soon. We strongly feel that Ryan's decision to become an organ donor was influenced by a young man who came to speak to his youth group in the Fall of 2003. This young man talked about his journey through a childhood illness that eventually led to him receiving a kidney transplant. We later found out that Ryan had gone back to school and encouraged his classmates to become organ donors.

Six people received life-saving transplants because of Ryan's decision, and hundreds of other lives were enhanced through his tissue donations. Ryan's memory lives on through his family and through his transplant recipients. We have had the honor of meeting four of these recipients–Matt (pancreas), Samarth (right kidney), Mohamed (liver), Pat (left kidney)–and have developed beautiful friendships with them. Although Ryan's double lung recipient, Danielle, has since passed away, she lived over five years after she received his gift. We never had the privilege of meeting Danielle, but we still hope to one day meet his heart recipient.

Our family established the Ryan Lee Mohn Memorial Foundation to continue Ryan's legacy. The Foundation provides scholarships to graduating seniors from Ryan's high school, and makes donations in his memory to other worthwhile causes. Much of the proceeds from the Foundation come from an annual walk held in Ryan's memory.

Our family is committed to doing whatever is possible to raise awareness of the need for organ donation.

Alison, Ron, and Cristen Mohn

October 7, 2011