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81-13 Richie Scharrer

Richie Scharrer was a 37 year old husband, father, son, brother, coach, teammate, co-worker and friend. Everyone who met him was a better person, just by knowing him. He was a gentle giant with the kindest soul. Standing 6 feet 7 inches tall, wearing a size 15 shoe, his hands were the biggest hands you have ever held. He never entered a room and went unnoticed; his presence and demeanor were unforgettable. He spent the last 13 years of his life making his family his number one priority; coaching both R.J. and Mason in football, baseball and basketball and cheering them on while on all fours on the wrestling mat. His voice could be heard across any field, any gym, or across JDC. He spent his days managing the Detention Center with his brothers and sisters and loved every minute of every day. Born and raised in Long Island, New York his passion for the NY Yankees, NY Giants and NY islanders were evident, long after moving to Pennsylvania for college. He never missed out on the chance of arguing or making bets with Philadelphia fans. Richie was a pitcher for the West Chester University baseball team from 1997-2002. That’s where our love story began, in the modular on North Campus in our freshman English class. We spent our life making each other happy with our two sons, miniature Dachshund Mattingly, and living our best life. Our best memories were spent walking along any beach, watching the boys play sports, and just being together. That was our favorite place to be, together; surrounded by those we love most. So many people have learned life lessons by watching the way Richie lived: simple, hold nothing back, no regrets, take the chance, don’t look back, say what you mean & mean what you say. His last act, to donate his organs and tissues to others proves the type of man he was.