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#87- Bateman

As some people journey through life, they leave footprints of kindness and love, courage and adventure, humor, and smiles. Even when they are gone, we can look back and clearly see the trail they left behind-a trail bright with hope that invites you to follow. Collin was such a person and so very precious here on earth. This quilt square represents everything about Collin Bateman. He was a friend to many and a beloved family member to a large family. This square encompasses his activities with his friends and family, the places he liked to visit, the sports he participated in, the various nicknames given to him by family and friends, and those special things we associate with him. He was kind, a gentle soul that would give you the shirt off his back. He would help anyone with anything at any time. He was always an adventurous person, and he loved his family dearly.  His laughter and sense of humor was contagious. When someone we love leaves us unexpectedly it is so hard to understand why. We can only assume that Collin earned his wings here on earth and was needed in Heaven for greater things that required just that right person with so much to offer. He is thought of daily, and we will forever appreciate the life we shared together. We savor the ways in which his cardinal and hummingbirds bring a sense of peace and a sign that he is always with us. We hope that donations he was able to give bring a new sense of life to those who received them. Live every day with a zest of anew.

Until we hug again…We love and miss you.