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#89- Timothy Pinkham

My brother’s middle name is my grandmother’s stoning. Her family were lighthouse keepers. So my brother’s quilt square is of a lighthouse. We took vacations in Maine and spent a lot of time “on the water” as they say “down east.” At age four he had his first ride in grandfather’s motorboat. It was so exciting he shouted, “I want to be a motorboat when I grow up!” Always large for his age, he’d get down on one knee to speak with his seated grade school teachers at eye level.

The neighborhood toddlers loved to give him a little push and laughed as he pretended to lose his balance and fall down. His interest were many and included astronomy. He built a huge six foot long 15 inch diameter telescope; created an elaborate electric train track with scenery to scale; and was a very talented artist. Because he was a bit hard of hearing his voice was loud. He wanted to do the right things but sometimes didn’t hear instructions correctly or missed social cues. He kept himself somewhat apart and alone; never married or had a girlfriend. It was hard for him to fit in or go unnoticed in a crowd. I think he hid a lot of his thoughts and feelings and was misunderstood. I wish more people knew how well read and knowledgeable he was or enjoyed his sense of humor. Like a lighthouse, he was tall, loud and a little separate from the mainstream of life. I like to think that now he’s somewhere where he feels safe and comfortable without keeping his distance. That he is happy just being himself and letting his love shine out to guide others safely to their ports of call.