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#90- Contreras

My name is Darlin Contreras, back in 2004 my husband Efrain needed to go on dialysis, that was one of two choices, the other was transplant. His amazing family tried to be a donor but were unable. So I was tested and was a match. So in 2006 Efrain received my kidney. He went 18 months before needing to return to dialysis. Efrain loved life, he loved helping others and he loved his family. So he decided to become a donor as well. He wanted to be able to help as many people so they could have a better life. So he spent a total of 17 years on dialysis. That was how much Efrain loved life. He had so much love to give, he always wanted everyone to be OK. Efrain would be so happy to know he was able to help others. Even up to his last moments he was worried about who was going to take care of me, his wife.

Thank you and God Bless,

Darlin Contreras