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Amy Lozon Barlett

Amy was an amazing person, she was one who never forgot to stop, and smell the roses. She knew of the importance of organ and tissue donations, through her father, where she saw the struggle one goes through to get on the list for a transplant.

Amy was sarcastic, funny, outgoing, well liked, and looked up to. She was very blunt, and honest, about how she felt about things. She was caring, dependable, and loyal to her family and friends. She was creative; she could take a piece of yarn or scraps of material and make beautiful crocheted items and quilts for family. Amy donated many of the items that she crocheted to Geisinger Hospital Maternity Ward. She could also draw and paint, if she has an idea of something she liked. She made it with no pattern, and only used her imagination to create beautiful patterns that turned out beautiful.

Amy was a very intelligent and motivated young lady. She was a mother of four children, Amy enjoyed spending time helping with homework, and if there was something she didn’t know she would read the book so that she could understand how to help her children, nieces, and nephews. Amy refused to let her family fall behind.

Amy had a contagious smile and laugh that could light up a room. She has forever gone fishing and is watching over us and helping others.

Amy you will always be loved and missed.