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Ashley Nicole Frey

November 26, 1988- May 5, 2015

Live each day to its fullest
Do not stop to wonder why,
Do everything your heart desires
In dream reach for the sky
Do not waste one moment
How very precious that they are…
-by Ashley Nicole Frey

Ashley loved literature, especially poetry. She had a love affair with books and could read by age 3. Her dad always had to read two or three books with her before bed. She knew most of them by hear, and would let him know if he skipped any parts. Her favorite book as a child was The Velveteen Rabbit. She loved the cartoon, Yogi Bear, hence her nickname ‘Boo-Boo’. She had numerous poems and short stories and abandoned cats dogs. We still have her beloved dog, ‘Rocky,’ and a friend is caring for her last rescue dog, ‘Tucker.’ She was a spontaneous, fun-loving, life-of-the-party person, and is missed by many. A loving daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin, goddaughter, and friend. She will be forever loved and missed.