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Brian Keith Hontz Sr.

Brian Keith Hontz Sr. lived each, and every, day to its fullest, with joy and thanksgiving; and was often found encouraging others by reminding them that “every day is a good day, just some are better than others.” He proudly served 23 years, as both an active-duty and reserve United States Marine, before his 2001 retirement, wearing the chevrons of a Master Sergeant. He spit-shined his boots, polished his brass and wore his uniform with pride every chance he could, to show that his blood truly ran red, white and blue. Semper Fi! He also dedicated many years to the families of those behind the uniform, as his rock-steady hands filled numerous roles within the base Family Advocacy center. He did not take his second retirement, from Federal Civil Service sitting down, when he soon found a new way to support the spouses of active-duty military personnel, as a Career and Education counselor for a government contracted service. He could often be found as a speaker at conferences throughout the United States and within classrooms at local community colleges. His love for his lord, Jesus Christ, his dedication to family and his service among the body of believers of the local church left a legacy of honor, courage, and commitment. His deeply vested interest in classic 60’s muscle cars, motorcycles, weightlifting, running, 1950’s memorabilia and music only start to describe his fullness in enjoying the life the lord graced him with. His tender heart was often found in a servant-like manner handing out food to the homeless, providing toys for the needy, and serving God teamed up with his beloved wife of 36 years.