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Caroline Jenkins

Our mother Caroline Jenkins was a kind spiritual gentle loving woman. An identical twin to Catherine Robertson, wife of 46 years  to Raymond, mother of Christine, Jonathan, Beth Ann, and Helen and grandmother of Brian, Eric, Baltosar, Alistar, Eva Mae, Samuel, Liberty, Kristin, and Gabriel.

Caroline raised up in faith and spirituality. WE were taught to respect our mind, body, and spirit. Ahead of her time she taught me to meditate, pray, read our bibles, and faithfully attend church. She would feed us whole nourishment foods and always used natural homeopathic remedies if we were sick. Our home was full of books and a love of learning,  and our yard was a immerse space of run and play. One of our fondest memories is coming home from school and entering our kitchen. Our mother would face us with a smile on her face and sunlight surrounding her as it streamed through the window behind her. She was so beautiful and loving.

We miss our mother tremendously. To never hug her or speak to her again truly breaks our hearts, however we know she would want us to be courageous and kind as we grieve , since her passing on March 18, 2014 we have been blessed to have many people share stories of our mother. She is remembered as generous, kind, loving, and spiritual in her work as a pastor, Reiki master and faithful followers of Christ.

Without a doubt we know our mother would be honored and humbled to know she has helped others through the Gift of Life program. Thank you and God bless

Much love,

Christine Leedom