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Dennis L. Tripp III

A hero is defined in many ways. It is someone who is brave, strong, and courageous. It is someone who is kind, caring, and loving. It is the average person, who does what is right, and faces their fears to overcome them. It is the person that puts others first.

Dennis Lee was all those things and more.

Dennis Lee did not know prejudice. He loved people, with every ounce of his unlimited energy. He cared for those he just met as much as he cared for those who were blessed enough to know him all his short life. When they laughed, he laughed with them. When they cried, he cried with them. He absorbed the emotion of those around him with a maturity and concern far beyond his years. He stood up for those he cared about. He defended those he loved. He brought laughter and smiles to all.

Dennis Lee only lived 13 short years. During that time, he underwent numerous heart surgeries. Each one he faces bravely despite his fears. Each recovery he met with courage and determination, and little to no complaint. He was our “brave soldier”.

When he learned what organ donation was, he quickly stated that’s what he would do. He thought it was so cool to be able to save someone’s life.

Dennis frequently slid through the living room in his t-shirt, his boxers, and his socks on the way to the kitchen for a drink in between rounds of Xbox games with his friends. In his slide through, he would exclaim “I’m special!”

He could not have been more right. In his passing he donated many organs, and has helped a lot of people. Because he IS special. He is amazing. And he will forever be our hero.