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Derek Frey


A man of many names… a man of many attributes. He loved movies, sports, music and his coffee hot!

Each fabric in our quilt block tells a different story, shows a different connection, reminds us of a different memory that we each shared with Derek. He was Daddy, who loved deeply, who made silly faces and who enjoyed quality movie time. He was Nezzy, a brother who shared in jokes, who fueled childhood pranks, who started the occasional fights and who was one-third of the trio. He was Mr. Bones, a son who admired his father and was loved unconditionally, He was Bud Bud, who knew how to smile and melt his mom’s heart despite – pushing everyone’s buttons. He was D.Frey a friend who was always your #1 fan and who would lend a hand to those in need at the drop of a hat. Derek had compassion and kindness for others that radiated from the time he was a little kid. Though he was our for a short time here on earth, we were blessed and look forward to seeing him again one day in Heaven. And we will have a big old dance party for sure!

To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life’s story, the light side, and the dark. In admitting my shadow side, I learn who I am and what God’s grace means. As Thomas Merton put it “ A saint is not someone who is good, but who experiences the goodness of God”.

Derek Andrew Frey 1/10/93 – 4/26/18