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Derek Tyler Frey

On August 24 2016, our family received a new life. We were blessed with the birth of Derek Tyler Frey.

Born at 36 weeks, weighing only 4 pounds 9 ounces, the love Derek brought was boundless.

Derek encountered a lot of doctor visits and hospital stays where we met a lot of great people along the way.

Derek could always turn a bad day into a good one, making days oh so bright, he was our little sun.

Seeing Derek’s smile on his face every day, we all knew he was our amazing grace.

Derek had so many nick names given to him, one from his mommy, she called him her prince.

Little Elvis he was called by some hospital nurses and munchkin was given to him by his Aunt Lisa.

Derek was Nan’s little Boomer and Pap’s Little Buddy, but most of all he was so handsome and oh so cuddly.

Derek had so many obstacles he overcame, life for us will never be the same.

Through Derek’s life was short, he taught us so much, no matter how tough life is, never give up.

Even though Derek was so little, he never gave up the fight, he always fought to the end with all his might.

Derek taught us to be thankful for the life we were given, because others out there are struggling and fighting to keep on living.

August 21 2017, Derek passed away, three days shy of his first birthday.

Even though Derek’s life was cut short, in that year we could not ask for anything more.

A decision was made, another life we would save.

 God blessed us with Derek as a very special gift, which we wanted to bless another family and give them their wish.

Derek’s organs were donated to help others live on, so they can enjoy their family and carry on.

Derek Tyler Frey, you are loved beyond words can describe, and now you live on through the Gift of Life.