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Duane S. Dodge

This quilt square was made in loving memory of Duane, my loving husband and soul mate. His smile, personality and how he lived his life is represented in these threads of love. How do we summarize someone else’s life on 9X9 square and capture the true person they were, yet keeping it simple and appealing to others? I believe what we see is all in the eyes of the beholder. To look at this piece of fabric you see a smiling man or is it a smile, it may be a grin. I will attempt to truly explain what this loving piece of art represents to me.

Picture- represent his smile, it glowed and was infectious.

Stars – Represent the steady, reliable, always there in the light of day or the darkest of nights, never failing to shine and guide a stranger or friend .

Off White – Represents his reborn innocence of experiencing a love like no other for his grandchildren.

Blue – Represents his power to lead, his vigilance, perseverance & justice. His many years of service in the US Air Force (veteran) and Law enforcement. He lived, loved and breathed America and his Harley!! America and the freedom to ride lived in him!

Red- Represents his hardiness and valor. He weathered many storms by standing strong and stay grounded. His strength helped him endure these challenges at home and a far.

Stripes – Represents his strengths, love of family and friends, honorable, charm, integrity, reliable, trustworthy and faith.

Golden Glitter (Angel Dust) – Represents his gift of life to others, spreading hope and light into the lives of people who had no hope at all. Giving these wonderful people a chance to live without fear and to shine. It is truly  golden !!

God Bless,

Stephanie Dodge