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Erika M. Patterson

Our beautiful daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend Ericka chose organ donation.  And I would bet she didn’t even think twice about it because that is who she was.  These roses are like the ones tattooed on her arm – beautiful and delicate, just as she was and growing upwards out of love. The butterflies are symbolic not only of Ericka’s wild and free nature about her but also represent her being freed from her demons and her transformation into an angel that looks over all of us.

This song, it moves you. It’s emotional , inspirational, and strong, just as she was. All we need is hope – hope that love will always prevail, hope for a cure, hope for an organ, hope for tomorrow. For that we have each other and for that hope others were blessed with Erika’s organs.

We are extremely proud, honored and comforted in our angel’s ultimate sacrifice to save lives and donate her organs on Thanksgiving Day and to know she will not only live on in our hearts and minds but also with the gift of life to others. Thank YOU for giving E – forever in our hearts, forever our hero.

Rest In Peace, Sweet Erika