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Gus Iannacone

In creating our quilt the anchor was the most obvious choice. Symbolically, the anchor provides strength and support. It can be a person’s rock through difficult times or represent a safe place to go home to. Not only was Gus all of these, he was a lover of the ocean and found great comfort being on the water. He enjoyed fishing where he faithfully went every weekend. He shared his love of fishing and patiently taught his kids and then his grandkids how to fish. As he grew older, he owned smaller sized boats so his grandkids could enjoy tubing and oh how he got a kick out of whipping them around. He could be heard laughing as they flew off in the air. Gus was not just a man of fun, he had a serious side. When you needed his opinion or advice, he would sit and listen without judgement. Other times he would tell you exactly how he felt about things even if you did not ask. He loved his family and wanted to make sure they were healthy and happy. Gus was loved and admired by his coworkers, friends but especially his family.

How poetic that putting down anchor also means the safe end of a long journey. Although we are no longer together in this living life, we will be together again when our journeys are complete.