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Justin T. Hubbert

Justin’s life was a precious gift. Long before his donation saved a life, Justin touched so many. Justin was a beloved son, adored big brother, cherished grandson, forever husband and favorite ‘Uncle’ to many children of his close friends. Justin’s life brought joy and happiness to all he touched.

Justin was quietly thoughtful, a gentle and unassuming soul whose presence always filled a room with light and understanding. He loved all animals, was super creative, fun and easy to be with. Justin had an inborn knack of fixing things both mechanical and emotional. He kept everyone in sync, was our peacemaker and was always available if you needed him. Justin was the glue that held our family together.

Justin joins his heart’s love, his wife Tosha and his closest confidant, his grandfather, ‘Pap’ in heaven leaving his parents Mike and Julie, little sister Tiffany and his special lady, his grandmother ‘Bobbi’ as well as his Mastiff Koda. Without Justin our lives are forever dimmer but our love for him will live one always. At his memorial there wasn’t even standing room. So many people spoke telling stories of how he had helped or touched them in a special way. Over again they stated how Justin was their best friend and they were all right because simply put, Justin was the best friend anyone could ever have. If you’d known him, you’d understand.

Justin loved Ocean City and honeymooned there. He also liked to snowboard, read, draw, write, build computers, work on his BMW. He was a fan of the Orioles, Eagles, and Star Wars/Legos. He had built an impressive collection. Justin was a talented artist and designed tattoos. A Virgo, he incorporated his birthchart into his sleeve and also designed his ‘Roboleg’ which was as unique and striking as tattoos get.

Justin was kind, soft spoken, and highly intelligent. He was in gifted classes throughout school and could do anything he put his mind to. He and his dad built his first car, a Camaro. Justin had a wicked sharp wit and could always make you laugh. Justin was tall, good looking with blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes. His smile lit up a room and always brought yours in return. When Justin smiled, the whole world lit up. We will treasure Justin’s memory and love him always.