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Kevin E. Fox Sr.

To understand the meaning of this square and who it represents, I need to introduce you to Kevin. I will not focus on his death, but I will focus on his life. It isn’t because he’s gone, but because he was here. Because of his life, I have life and because of his death someone was given quality of life with sight.

Kevin was humble, kind, diligent, whimsical, compassionate, proud, sarcastic, conservative, yet frugal. He was giving in life and in death. His hands were distinct and very much defined and told a story. Leathery yet soft, strong and steady. The monarch butterfly is unique and the only species of butterfly that doesn’t hibernate, but migrates in changing seasons. A symbol of change, joy, and color, it represents endurance, change, hope and life. When we need him most and seek reassurance, a monarch butterfly appears.

Kevin’s favorite color is orange. What does that mean? The party is wherever you are and this was so true of my dad. He was an optimist and always expected something wonderful to happen. He was present, lived in the moment, and focused on what was in front of him.  His pride was for his family and his home. It is where he requested to be laid to rest and where our lives began. His illness changed him and his death forever changed me both for the better.

He loved life and he lived every day with a purpose. I was there when his life ended and he was there when my life began. Death takes the body. God takes the soul. Our mind holds the memories. Our heart keeps the love. Our faith lets us know we will meet again. Not goodbye, but see you later.

We love you.