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Nathan K. Tompkins

Our quilt square is made in honor of Nathan K. Tompkins, husband, daddy, son and friend. He was a avid hunter who enjoyed spending time outdoors with his three daughters, wife, and father. He was happiest scouting bear and deer with his children at his childhood home in Northern Pennsylvania. A family man with an easy smile, he would go out of his way for anyone, always a helper. He was on a hunting trip four hours from home, with his father, when he had a heart attack and died at the of 32, leaving behind a wife, a 9 year old, a  5 year old, and a 2 year old. Asking his children about donating his organs was the heard question they have ever been asked, and our 5 year old simply said “Daddy was always helping people, he would want to help all those people now.” And the choice was easily made.

Nathan was the type of man who made you want to be a better person. A man you couldn’t help but love due to his infectious nature. He is missed by everyone who knew him, but knowing his organs went to allow others to live out the dreams we are missing, makes his death a little easier. He helped in life, and even in death. We miss you, Nathan. We love you, Daddy. Forever my Bubba Kreeper.