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Donald L. Thomas

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." – Psalms 121: 1 & […]

Glenn LaMar Trimble

Born 1960-Died 2008 Glenn was a Christian who loved singing and music and was the soloist in the church choir. He loved his daughters and took them to his favorite […]

Richard S. Hoff

The Gift of Life Donor Program has given me this wonderful opportunity to share a small part of my husband Rich with many people. Making the quilt gave me great […]

Joseph Pacquette

Joseph Paquette, 59, of Dover, Pa., passed away March 25, 2008. Born in Somerville, Mass. Sept. 23, 1948. Joe was a loyal, loving, and very giving companion for many years, […]

Clinton E. Kauffman

6/21/1959 – 7/30/2008 Meticulous Loved to read Loved to watch Star Trek shows Loved running and riding bike School psychologist Achieved his dream of earning a PhD Loved children Favorite […]

Sean Liskey

Sean was born a happy baby boy on September 5th, 1978, the middle son of three boys. As he grew up, he played many sports and excelled as an athlete, […]