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#87- Hanna

Dennis is deserving of any accolade wished upon him❤️ Dennis Hanna, also affectingly known as Pez to his family and friends was the most kindhearted, caring and generous person you […]

#87- Heisey

In Loving Memory of Joshua Boyd Heisey, 12 years old, born March 13, 2008 (on his mother’s birthday). Joshua means “God Is My Salvation”. Boyd means “Strong” and is the […]


Bill became an EMT late in life. It was not his primary career but he enjoyed this work and was devoted to it. He often said he wished he had […]

#87- DiCastanado

There’s a saying that “You only live once” and literally and physically, that is true. Although my son, Walter, passed on more than a year ago, he lives in the […]

#87- Bateman

As some people journey through life, they leave footprints of kindness and love, courage and adventure, humor, and smiles. Even when they are gone, we can look back and clearly […]