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Phillip Francis Pauro

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.

-Joseph Campbell

Before any other connection in this world, Phillip was the beloved son of Frank and Karen. Frank and Karen were ecstatic to welcome their daughter Monica into this world, but their hearts grew even more with the birth of Phillip 14 months later. And as a result Monica gained an awesome brother. He touched their hearts in more ways than you could ever know. He was kind, funny and generous.

When many years later Phillip planned on getting married, he asked his father to be his best man. Phillip was a loving husband to his wife, Hilary, and an amazing dad to his children, Thomas and Lilly. He adored his family and did everything he could to help them. There were many times where he came out of his home office just to spend time with them. He especially loved helping out at Thomas’s baseball games and practicing in their front yard.

When Phillip died all of our worlds shattered. At Thomas’s first baseball game following Phillip’s death, we all wore “Pauro #1” hats and jerseys. We wore them with pride, remembrance and love. When asked to participate in this project, we knew instantly that this memory should be reflected in his quilt square.

By being an organ donor, Phillip truly gave his life to something bigger than himself. Although we miss him dearly and mourn the life he has planned for himself, we are comforted knowing that Phillip has become a hero and provided others with the opportunity for life, love and happiness. His legacy will always be Pauro #1. And he will always be our hero.

10/12/1980 to 06/06/2018