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Richard S. Colomy Jr. III

For my son Richard… Always Loved, Forever Missed, Never Forgotten! It’s 4:15am, I always wake this time of day, it was the time I received that tragic call. These days I don’t sleep well anymore, so many thoughts and questions running through my head. I feel like I am climbing the walls. The heartache of grief is one that can’t be measured, especially when it’s my child because nothing else matters! I will take my time through this journey I must walk, but if you see me, please don’t turn away; I would love just a simple hug or just to talk. I’m not uncomfortable talking about Rickey my child with wings, the love a mother has for her son… to me he was my King. Life sure has hit me hard with so many ups and downs, but the day I lost my child, my world just CRUMBLED DOWN! Now it’s a day I long to hold onto. It’s a day I lost my forever memories with you, a forever future that will no longer be and my future grand-babies I will never get the chance to hold or see. I try to accept your task on earth is now complete, but there are so many questions I wish I could ask, you see? As I look up to the sky, hoping to see a glimpse of your face, suddenly I feel your warm spirit among us and we feel your love and grace. Each night I say sleep well my angel, I know you have to go, but stay with me a little while longer, Momma’s heart is so broken. But always remember and take this with you my dear child…

No matter the distance and miles that separate us for now, I’m still your Momma. You make sure you visit me and come around, we are still a team and I know this to be true. I can smell your cologne around me still as I walk into each room. There are times I need you to stay awhile longer for, these moments with you are ones I will treasure, even if it’s only holding you in my dreams, it’s there. It seems like I’m with you forever.

The love for your child is one that will live way beyond and can never be measured.

I love you my dear son Rickey, love Momma.