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Rick Ackerknecht

In my Father’s eyes, life was doing the things he loved. It was waking up early, before the sun came up and the birds started chirping to start the day. Dad would spend most of his days driving truck miles and miles to make sure that other folks had the things they needed. When he wasn’t doing that, he preferred to wake up just as early to get out to the lake to catch a few fish before it was even time for breakfast.

In my Father’s eyes, my Mother was the most beautiful woman in the entire world. Their love for each other was one that really only exists in movies and books. H would look at her with the most adoring eyes, all the while playfully teasing her to remind her how much fin they has together every day. I remember thinking as I grew up, that this…this is the kind of love that I want to experience one day.

In my Father’s eyes, his children and grandchildren were always loves, always welcome, and always his, no matter what. He enjoyed spending time with his family, usually jokingly asking, “You again?” each time we showed up at the house. He gave fantastic, well thought out advice, and had a smile that was impossible to ignore even when you were mad at him for being only the best Dad you could possibly ask for.

In my Father’s eyes now, there are two people seeing the world in ways they haven’t seen it in years, perhaps ever. They are watching sunrises and adoring the faces of their loved ones. I can think of no better way to honor my Father’s life and memory. Although we miss him dearly, it is comforting to know that he lives on through donation.