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Rosemarie Nagle

Rose was a caring mother to three children Krista (Brian), Herbie III (Amanda), and Laura (Tyler). She was the loving wife to Herb Jr and an amazing grandmother to five grandchildren (Bryn, Addison, Kylie, Alyssa, and Andrew). Her grandchildren were her life. Whenever she felt down, upset, or sad- a quick facetime with any of grandma’s babies turned her entire day around. Everyday was like Christmas at Grandma’s house and each of them thought that they were her favorite. Sadly, Rose passed before being able to meet her first grandson. When Krista announced she was expecting a baby boy, Rose was elated. She adored her granddaughters but was ready to have a grandson to spoil too. Although Andrew never had the pleasure of meeting Grandma Rose, he will surely know all about her. Her family was her life. Her spirit lives on!

Rose enjoyed the simple things in life. She loved her Dunkin Donuts coffee while watching Jack Hanna’s animal shows with her husband each morning. She enjoyed cooking dinner and making her crockpot soups. She loved her trips to the supermarket and Rite Aid for her odds and ends. She was an avid soap opera watcher and loved her reality television competition shows such as The Amazing Race and American Idol. She loved scrolling through Facebook and catching up with old friends and her sister, Marie, who lives in Arizona. She enjoyed listening to Barry Manilow and John Denver on her Alexa. She found joy in all things.

When looking at the patch, Rose loved the color pink and enjoyed flowers. She went to Saul High School and worked with flowers while there. Also, she was born in June which is the national month of roses. When Rose was in her late 20s, she lost her mother to colon cancer. Although she was not able to see her mother, Rose believed in signs and messages from above. She would feel her mother’s presence as she was visited by a butterfly or beautiful bird every now and then. Now, she and her mother are back together and the butterfly will forever be with her.

I hope this description and patch allow you a quick glimpse into the beautiful life of Rose Nagle.