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Ward Robinson

If you were to ask our family about Robinson, we’d tell you that his legacy is one of always being there for us. Any family member no matter how distant, knew that Ward would give the shirt of his back to help you in any situation. He’d brainstorm to find a solution so you wouldn’t be without hope. This has made quite an impression on his children and grandchildren who aspire to have his same qualities. He was an auto mechanic by trade and affordably kept everyone’s car in tip top shape. He was somewhat of a perfectionist and like to fix things himself to save money. He showed his love for us through actions and by being there for sports events then going out to eat afterwards even if your team lost. He was our encourager and taught us how to do things for ourselves. He showed his grandkids how to be wise in choosing their vehicle. He enjoyed listening to Yanni, boating, cruises, and riding motorcycles.

When my dad unexpectedly passed away, organ donation wasn’t a debated question because Ward would be happy to donate knowing it would help others. Organ donation is not giving up a part of yourself to keep a stranger alive, its really a stranger keeping a part of your loved one alive. I am happy to know a recipient is keeping Ward alive. If a recipient ever feels the urge to repair a car, that’s the spirit of Ward in you. I hope they continue his giving spirit. Grandson Tyler Robinson who rides motorcycles says “Every ride I take, every step I make, I know you are watching me and I’ll be missing you.”