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William A. Keely IV

William A. Keely, IV (Billy) was born on May 1, 1981 and became an organ donor on September 11, 2004. He was helping a friend repair a car and died when the car fell off the jack and pinned him beneath.

Billy was a volunteer fireman and we had discussed organ donation, so we knew that he wanted to be an organ donor. He saved the lives of five complete strangers, three of whom we were fortunate enough to meet and build lasting friendships.

The words on the quilt square are what is printed on the shirts we had made for the donor dash. Billy was full of life for the short 23 years we were blessed with him. He loved camping and boating and his favorite place was the lighthouse at Hereford Inlet (bottom picture on right). He spent all his summers at the Jersey Shore and continued those adventures into his short adulthood.

Billy attended Plymouth Whitemarsh High School and spent many hours at CIVT, the school radio station. He also enjoyed woodshop where he made some nice furniture pieces and home decorations. After graduation, he started to pursue a career in videography but decided quickly that it wasn’t for him.

He joined the Navy and when he returned home, he went on to get his automotive certifications but didn’t find satisfaction in that field either. He enjoyed videography and working on cars but as a hobby. He went to work for a construction company and finally found his calling. He loved working outdoors and with his hands. When he died, he had been working as a construction site manager. His employer (another volunteer fireman) knew he was special and asked us to bury him with a special pin he had been given for his service during the September 11, 2001 disaster.

Billy was a very loving and caring person and found his greatest pleasure in helping others. He could always be counted on to help with whatever or whenever he was needed. Billy left behind broken-hearted parents and a loving young sister. Life will never be the same without him, but we find peace and comfort knowing that his legacy of helping will live on in the four men and one woman who received his last and most generous gift of all…a second chance at life.

Billy, you will never be forgotten and will live on in our hearts and memories. We love and miss you every day. Until we meet again!