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William L. Dietzel Jr.

Bill…his stories, his lucky charm red hair, laughter, his crazy sense of humor.

How he suddenly stopped at a red light while driving and climbed on the hood putting his face against the glass, making funny faces and asked me to marry him!

He had a cup of marbles on his dresser and told me very seriously that he could never lose his marbles! Years ago, he told his mom that she was matching his socks wrong, he needed the left sock paired with the right. It drove his mom crazy!

At 12 years old Bill had an accident with a hunting bow that punctured his right eye, he stayed at Will’s Eye Hospital for months. As a young man, he was a hard worker. With one good eye he tested for special discompensation to allow him to drive 18 wheelers, long hauling. He was a truck driver and drove until he retired. Bill understood the importance of sight from a very young age. We discussed transplantation and organ donation.

Bill was a great friend, a loving husband, a good dad and father, and awesome popz and poppy. He remembered all his teachers from kindergarten to high school. He could name any band by listening to a song mostly from the 60’s-80’s and would challenge everyone. Bill was a do-er, his tree and roof climbing, vegetable gardening, fixing cars, home remodeling, and computer knowledge. He would help anyone and did throughout his life.

As Bill got older he struggled with coronary artery/heart disease. He had surgery and multiple stents put in. He was trying to be compliant to doctors wishes until the last surgery on January 26, 2022. His large heart wouldn’t/couldn’t start beating again. He is so missed, I was blessed to be his wife.