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Tendon Graft Recipient Thankful for the Gift

Young woman with rare genetic disease receives life-altering tissue transplant.

For as long as she could remember, Carrie would begin each morning by relocating her shoulder after a painful night’s sleep. She suffers from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)-a rare genetic disorder her doctor described as causing her ligaments and tendons to be more like Laffy Taffy than like rubber bands, as they should be. In fact, Carrie’s physical injuries were so debilitating that they prevented her from completing her nursing program, a lifelong dream to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

After three failed surgeries using her own tendons, Carrie’s physicians decided the only option remaining was to use donated tendon to repair her right shoulder. Although the surgery was successful, a few months later her left shoulder failed also. Using a second donated tendon, Carrie regained functionality in her left arm as well.  “The surgeries not only gave me back the full use of my arms, they gave me freedom from feeling defeated by my disorder. I am going to get to do the things that give me life again: playing my guitar, fishing with my Grandfather, walking my dog, and even hugging with both arms. Above all, I am gaining my independence back,” said Carrie.

When she lost her uncle a year ago, he also became a tissue donor. Carrie was so moved by the generous gift of renewed life she received through tissue donation that she vowed the following in a letter to one of her donor families: “I promise to always look for ways to give back to others, just as you did by making that decision, whether I do that in my career, personal life, or elsewhere. Your ability to see the potential in your loved one during your time of loss is so inspiring that I will find the potential in others and do my best to help them overcome their battles, just as your family helped me overcome mine.” Carrie was recently accepted into a graduate program in Psychological Art Therapy, where she will be helping others through their tough times. Daily, Carrie continually finds new ways to live her best life and keep the heartfelt promises she made to her donor family.

2 comments on "Tendon Graft Recipient Thankful for the Gift"

  1. Alan Vogenberg says:

    What a wonderful story! I am so happy for Carrie and your entire family.

  2. Colette Brown says:

    What a courageous and inspiring young woman! Thank you for sharing Carrie’s story. I wish her much good health, happiness and success in all she does!

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