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Training for the Broad Street Run after a serious health event

Take what your body gives you. It’s good advice for runners of all levels. But for those who have survived a health scare, like me, those words are especially important as I train for the Broad Street Run in May.

One of the most important things that I came to understand after receiving a heart transplant is that I need to seize the day. For me, that means running — completing multiple marathons, Ironman triathlons, and dozens of other events.

Derek Fitzgerald crosses the finish line of the 2015 Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.
Courtesy of Derek Fitzgerald

But what’s the best way to start running while recovering from a major medical event? Every case is different, and you should always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program, but there are some important rules that I have learned that I’d like to share with others.

Rule No. 1: Listen to your medical team. The professionals who know your body will tell you what your boundaries are so you can stay within them.

I take anti-rejection medication at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. every day to ensure that my immune system gets along with my new heart. Sometimes that means stopping in the middle of a race to reapply sunblock to avoid unwanted side effects from exposure to sunlight. (I buy sunblock by the gallon.) I also avoid many of the common energy bars and gels that are offered to runners during a race because they contain caffeine, another risk of unwanted side effects. And I haven’t eaten anything with pomegranate in half a decade.

All this means that I will never be the guy standing on the pedestal but that doesn’t deter my happiness when I reach the finish line. My care will always come first, competition comes second.

Rule No. 2: Don’t run too fast. It’s very important to listen to your body and do what it’s telling you.

Read the rest of Derek’s guide to running after serious illness here.

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