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York County Families headed to Transplant Games of America

Courtesy of York Dispatch.

Keith Reinhold was a giving man, according to family members. His body was his final gift.

The 39-year-old Dover man was an organ donor, something his mom, Carol Reinhold, said helped save multiple lives in at least six states after he died of a heart attack in 2005.

Now, Carol Reinhold and her family members celebrate his life with people from around the United States during the biennial Donate Life Transplant Games of America event. This weekend, she and her daughter, Beth Reinhold, will travel with Team Philadelphia to Cleveland to watch recipients of organ donations compete in sports similar to the Olympics.

“We always go as a family,” Beth said. “We go along to support the teams and the players. It’s mostly about making connections with families who have been through this, too.”

Beth and Carol have been to the Transplant Games of America five times over the years. The duo said they find it awe-inspiring to see the recipients competing simply because they got a second chance at life through an organ donation.

Read the full article of the families’ journey here.

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